Selected Publications
1) “Inequality, growth and eradication of poverty”, April 2015
Summary of the book: This is a condensed version of the main challenges and solutions extensively analysed and discussed in the book. Link to summary.
2) “Inequality, growth and eradication of poverty”, April 2015
3) “Distribution of Danish Official Development Assistance – Bilateral and Multilateral Aid”, February 2008, together with Rikke Hove.
4) “Behov for bedre bistand” (“Need for better bilateral development aid”). Feature article (in Danish), Morgenposten 28 April 2009.
The Danish Africa Commission dealt with creation of employment to the youth. To increase the living standard in Africa, focus must be on increasing the productivity of primary agriculture. While development aid can play a role in this respect, its efficiency must be increased. Financing costs of refugees in high income countries from the aid budget reduces the impact of official development assistance in terms of reducing poverty in the poorest African countries. Link to article.
5) “Debt relief in Danish Development Assistance”, November 2008, together with Rikke Hove.
The Danish policy of debt relief of old state loans and export credits is analysed. The methodology of debt relief is discussed with Nigeria as a case, and it is questioned to which degree debt relief provides additional resources for development. When funding of debt relief is provided from the development aid frame, contrary to Norway where it is additional resources provided outside the aid budget, it is in reality the poor in other low income countries that pay the bill. Link to paper.
6) “Sector wide approach – history and some theoretical considerations”. Paper presented at Danida seminar for Chief Advisers, June 2003.
Definitions of Sector Investment Programmes and Sector Wide Approaches are discussed and key issues for aid effectiveness, including the policy environment, ownership, common implementation arrangements, technical assistance, preconditions for Sector Investment Programmes and the role of Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks, are examined. Link to paper. bjarne.wes @ Bjarne Larsen Kron
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